
    Museum memberships:

    Individuals: $35 per year

  Family: $50 per year

   Businesses: $100 per year

         *all military veterans are admitted free


    Foundation Membership: $1,000 (entitles all family members free admissions.) Also included is a stone with the name, rank, service & date of any veteran desired. These will be displayed in the front window of the museum. Limit: 20.




As we have no regular funding and as a start up non-profit, we are encourging anyone interested in honoring our military veterans to donate funds or military memorabelia to be displayed in the museum. At each exhibit there will be interactive audio recordings and videos. This will be a unique opportunity to hear the veterans themselves describe the conflicts of the 20th Century.




Please send checks to the Frederick Military Museum of the 20th. C., PO Box 25, Rocky Ridge, MD 21778.

*All doanations are tax deductible.